Airplane Graveyard

Built to Shred Season 3

22 mins 2010
1 2 3 4 5
5 | 2 ratings
Seasons: 4321

What's the difference?

Gift Episode  $2.99 USD

Jeff King and the crew are crash-land in an aviation warehouse. The world's largest airplane graveyard has thousands of burned out airplanes and debris waiting to be rearranged and shredded.

Paul Rodriguez, Ryan Sheckler, Torey Pudwill

What's the difference?

Gift Episode  $2.99 USD
Episode Details
Synopsis Jeff King and the crew crash land in an aviation warehouse. The world's largest airplane graveyard has thousands of burned out airplanes and debris waiting to be rearranged and shredded. The Built To Shred crew along with the Plan B team and S&M bike crew build and shred.
Athletes Paul Rodriguez, Ryan Sheckler, Torey Pudwill, Pat Duffy, Scott Decenzo
Director Dave Bergthold, Laban Pheidias
Writer Dave Bergthold, Laban Pheidias
Studio FUEL TV
Rating not rated
Runtime 22 mins
Language English | Stereo
Captions English, English
Download HD | 1280x720 (681.01 MB) SD | 960x540 (410.70 MB)
Stream HD | 1920x1080