Season 3

Built to Shred

4 hrs  46 mins 2010
1 2 3 4 5
5 | 9 ratings
Seasons: 4321
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Far-fetched ideas become "shreddable" realities as athletes wield power tools, create legendary terrain and throw down tricks that have never been done.

Paul Rodriguez, Ryan Sheckler, Torey Pudwill

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Season Details
Synopsis FUEL TV's breakout show Built to Shred is back with a vengeance for season three. Built to Shred is the world's first build-and-ride sports show featuring top skateboarders and alt-sport shredders. The new season promises bigger builds, more sports, and of course, more once-in-a-lifetime obstacles to shred. The show will stay true to its eco attitude by continuing its resourceful trend of using salvaged, reclaimed and recycled materials. Far-fetched ideas become "shreddable" realities as athletes wield power tools, create legendary terrain and throw down tricks that have never been done. So, grab a front-row seat to the most creative BMX, FMX, snow, water, and skate action show on TV.
Athletes Paul Rodriguez, Ryan Sheckler, Torey Pudwill, Pat Duffy, Scott Decenzo, Jeff King, Tony Hawk, Andy MacDonald, Bucky Lasek, Sebo Walker, Alec Beck, Joey Brezinski, Chico Brenes, Gary Young, Dennis Enarson, Chad Bartie, Johnnie Layton, Aaron Ross, Malcom Watson, Curren Caples, Danny Supa, Tony Hawk, Rune Glifberg, Geoff Rowley, Louie Lopez, Torstein Horgmo, Haldor Helgason, Adam Dyet, Kyle Earl, Steve Caballero, Christian Hosoi, Corey Duffel, Pierre Luc Gagnon, Jordan Hoffart, Chris Troy, Fabrizio Santos, Nilton Nieves, Aldren Garcia, Adrian Mallory, Mark Appleyard, Darrell Stanton, Scott Byerly, Brandon Thomas, Derek Garland, Cheyne Magnusson, Josh Sleigh
Director Dave Bergthold, Laban Pheidias
Writer Dave Bergthold, Laban Pheidias
Studio FUEL TV
Rating not rated
Runtime 4 hrs  46 mins
Language English | Stereo