Stream the Planet's Largest Surf Movie and Video Library
Only $5.99 a Month
Free 7 Day Trial

Watch on Apple TV, Roku, Fire TV, Android TV, PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and more.

Stream the largest selection of surf movies instantly over the Internet.

Cancel anytime, no long term commitment. Free trial, then low monthly fee.
Watch Everywhere
Watch on Apple TV, Roku, Fire TV, Android TV, PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and more.
Join TheSurfNetwork Now!
MonthlyPay as you go, membership is billed monthly.
Seven Day TrialGive TheSurfNetwork a go with our seven day free trial.
YearlyPre-pay for the entire year and save $10.
No matter which membership you choose you cancel anytime with no long term commitment.
Don't want a membership, most videos also available to buy or rent individually.
Frequently Asked Questions
Try us free for seven days! You'll be able to instantly watch over 1000 surf movies and videos over the Internet on your Apple TV, Roku, PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad and many more devices.
If you enjoy your free trial, do nothing and at the end of the trial your membership will automatically continue for as long as you choose to remain a member. You can easily cancel anytime, online, 24 hours a day. There are no long-term contracts or cancellation fees. Just sign up to get started!
If you enjoy your free trial, do nothing and at the end of the trial your membership will automatically continue for as long as you choose to remain a member. You can easily cancel anytime, online, 24 hours a day. There are no long-term contracts or cancellation fees. Just sign up to get started!
You can try TheSurfNetwork for free with our seven day trial. We offer two paid membership options, $5.99 monthly or $59.99 for the entire year. Most movies are also available for rental and purchase on an individual basis for as low as $3.99 each.
There are currently over 1000 surfing related movies, videos and TV episodes that are included with a TheSurfNetwork membership. Our extensive catalog has everything from 70s surf classic films to the latest brand videos. With TheSurfnetwork you'll find only professionally produced films and videos covering all aspects of the surf lifestyle including longboarding, documentaries, big wave, shortboarding, event coverage, and more.
Yes, many new releases are available in HD.
The minimum required connection speed is 500kbps (0.5Mbps), but we recommended a minimum speed of at least 1000kbps (1.0Mbps). You will want a faster connection for improved video quality.
While streaming works with may different levels of broadband, the speed and bandwidth of your broadband Internet connection may impact your viewing experience.
TheSurfNetwork is a streaming service--videos are streamed over the internet and not downloaded, so you must be connected to the internet throughout the viewing session.
While streaming works with may different levels of broadband, the speed and bandwidth of your broadband Internet connection may impact your viewing experience.
TheSurfNetwork is a streaming service--videos are streamed over the internet and not downloaded, so you must be connected to the internet throughout the viewing session.
Memberships are billed to your preferred payment method on the same date each billing period. If you signed up for the free trial, you will be billed as soon as the trial ends. If you signed up for monthly billing, you will be billed every month on the date you signed up. If you signed up for yearly billing, you will be billed every year on the date you signed up. Your membership will automatically continue for as long as you choose to remain a member. You can easily cancel anytime, online, 24 hours a day.
When you buy and rent your preferred payment method is charged immediately for the items you purchase.
When you buy and rent your preferred payment method is charged immediately for the items you purchase.
We have a library of over 1000 surf movies and videos that range in price from $1.99 to $14.99, on average a movie will run about $9.99 to buy and $3.99 to rent.
The rental window for rentals is 3 days (72 hours) and starts immediately upon purchase.
Rentals can be downloaded using TheSurfNetwork app for iPhone and iPad. Rentals are not downloadable on computer.
TheSurfNetwork partners with content providers to license digital rights. In some cases licenses come directly from the filmmakers and in other cases from larger distributors who aggregate a library of titles.
If you would be interested getting your video on TheSurfNetwork, please contact us.
If you would be interested getting your video on TheSurfNetwork, please contact us.
We hate to see you go, but if you need to cancel your membership, click the Cancel Membership link on your My Account page.
You can continue to access and watch TheSurfNetwork videos until your membership expires at the end of your current billing period--even if you're on a free trial.
If you cancel before your trial is up you will not be charged at all. If you cancel on a paid membership you will not see any more membership charges unless you restart your membership. If you cancel with time left in your billing period, we'll let you stream until your membership expires automatically at the end of your current billing.
Redeeming a TheSurfNetwork gift is easy. Just go to and enter the gift or promotion code to get started. If you're new to TheSurfNetwork, you'll be prompted to create a new account. To apply your gift to an existing account, be sure to sign in before redeeming your gift.
The best option for watching TheSurfNetwork on your TV is with Apple TV, Roku, Amazon Fire TV, or Android TV streaming media players. On both devices we have a dedicated TheSurfNetwork App. TheSurfNetwork also works with older Apple TVs when streamed from an iPhone or iPad using AirPlay. Similarly you can use our mobile app to "cast" to a Chromecast connected to your TV.