Episode 1

The Stoked Bloke Show Season 2

Podcast 24 mins 2024
1 2 3 4 5
5 | 3 ratings
Seasons: 21

A report from Barton and PK on the Da Hui Backdoor Shoot Out.

Barton Lynch, Peter King

Episode Details
Synopsis The Stoked Bloke Barton Lynch is a judge at the Da Hui Backdoor Shoot Out and he and Peter PK King as manager of the A New Earth Project team have an inside understanding of what makes this event unique and take the opportunity to look at the first 3 days of action, update on the conditions and results so far and share images from the powerful opening ceremony. This annual cultural celebration of Hawaiian surfing and heritage takes place at the worlds most challenging and famous wave The Pipeline where legend is made.
Athletes Barton Lynch, Peter King
Genres Podcast
Director Barton Lynch
Studio New Earth Productions
Rating not rated
Runtime 24 mins
Language English | Stereo
Captions English, English
Stream HD | 1920x1080