Episode 7

Long Board TV

Longboarding 22 mins 2003
1 2 3 4 5
4 | 13 ratings
Seasons: 21

What's the difference?

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Lay back and enjoy as we look at some of the people and places that define the surfing found today in the Golden State.

Eric Sommer, Darren Ledingham, Herbie Fletcher

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What's the difference?

Gift Episode  $2.49 USD
Episode Details
Synopsis Mention the word "surfing" to anyone, be it farmers in Podunk or businessmen in Chicago, and their heads will probably fill with a vision of some guy on a wave, silhouetted by a glistening, West Coast sunset. Yup, to Joe-Shmoe surfing and California have always gone hand in hand. But what most fail to realize is that surfing's identity in the Golden State has changed radically over the years. Lay back and enjoy as we look at some of the people and places that define California Surfing today, on this episode of Long Board TV.
Athletes Eric Sommer, Darren Ledingham, Herbie Fletcher, Vince Felix, Steve Bigler, Colin McPhillips, Greg Noll
Genres Longboarding
Studio Opper Sports Productions
Rating not rated
Runtime 22 mins
Language English | Stereo
Captions English, English
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