Marie-France Roy


22 mins 2009
1 2 3 4 5
0 | ratings
Seasons: 332211

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Gift Episode  $2.49 USD

Professional snowboarder, Marie-France Roy, relaxes during the off-season with a session at Camp of Champions, a surf trip to her Vancouver Island retreat, and some wild big mountain lines in the Andes.

Kier Dillon

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What's the difference?

Gift Episode  $2.49 USD
Episode Details
Synopsis Professional snowboarder, Marie-France Roy, relaxes during the off-season with a session at Camp of Champions, a surf trip to her Vancouver Island retreat, and some wild big mountain lines in the Andes.
Athletes Kier Dillon
Studio FUEL TV
Rating not rated
Runtime 22 mins
Language English | Stereo
Download HD | 1280x720 (681.19 MB) SD | 960x540 (254.18 MB)
Stream HD | 1920x1080