Shaun Tomson

The Surfer's Journal Biographies

Documentaries 22 mins 1999
1 2 3 4 5
5 | 13 ratings
Seasons: 321

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Of the 1970s Free Ride generation, South Africa's Shaun Tomson ushers in a new level of performance and international flair. As a handsome world champ tube rider, he attracted the first hoards of autograph-seeking teenyboppers in the sport's history.

Shaun Tomson, Peter Townend, Mark Richards

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Episode Details
Synopsis As a top gun of the Free Ride generation- the peak of 1970s surfing- Shaun Tomson of South Africa ushers in a new level of performance and international flair. As a handsome world champ tube rider, he attracted the first hoards of autograph-seeking teenyboppers in the sport's history. It was his free surfing that blew the gallery away. Few surfers who were present in 1976 will forget Shaun's backside bravado at Pipe. This volume of Journal Biographies provides an in-dept look this remarkable surfer.
Athletes Shaun Tomson, Peter Townend, Mark Richards, Wayne Bartholomew, dan Merkel
Genres Surfing Documentaries, Biographical
Director Ira Opper
Writer Paul Holmes
Studio Opper Sports Productions
Rating not rated
Runtime 22 mins
Language English | Stereo
Captions English, English
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