Riding Waves
Movie Details
Synopsis | In a world increasingly run by the tick-tock of a clock and frantic flashing of red light, green light, there is an ever growing need to tune into the real rhythms of the earth. Offering an intimate view into the lives of five surfers, Riding Waves depicts the wide variety of disciplines that make up modern surfing. Beginning with new family man Rob Machado, and ending with seasoned surf legend John Peck, this movie shows that while surfers may vary in age, personalities and surfboard preference, the enjoyment of sliding down a wave transcends all stereotypes. Whether you're a sugar-fiend beach rat looking for your pre-session fix, or a nine-to-five weekend warrior interested in journeying into the lives of some of your favorite surfers, Riding Waves belongs in your collection. "Not another surf flick, this is a surfing experience" - Scott Bass, Surfer Magazine Featuring music by: Rob Machado, Donovan and more! Locations: California, Baja |
Athletes | Donavon Frankenreiter, Rob Machado, John Peck, Dane Reynolds, Joel Tudor |
Genres | Shortboarding, Longboarding |
Director | Cyrus Sutton |
Studio | A Peel Productions |
Rating | not rated |
Runtime | 37 mins |
Language | English | Stereo |
Captions | English, English |
Download | SD | 640x480 (436.50 MB) |
Stream | SD | 720x540 |