
Fictional 15 mins 2010
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3 | 12 ratings

Goofyfoot explores the periphery of the surfing experience. It is a story of love and loss and how the mythology of surfing facilitates these two human emotions in stride, like the rise and fall of the tide.

Jim Hanks, Wes Whitworh, Isabel Cueva

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Movie Details
Synopsis "I suppose my brother would still be alive if only he wasn't a goofyfoot." Thus begins a young man's odyssey to understand the meaning of his brother's death from a surfing accident, an accident he blames himself for causing. He has not returned to the ocean since that fateful morning, but a discovery forces him to ponder if he will ever move on which, for him, translates to the question, "Will I ever surf again?" Goofyfoot explores the periphery of the surfing experience. It is a story of love and loss and how the mythology of surfing facilitates these two human emotions in stride, like the rise and fall of the tide.
Athletes Jim Hanks, Wes Whitworh, Isabel Cueva, Doug Scott Kramer
Genres Fictional Surf Movies, Fictional Surf Movies
Director Chris Cashman
Writer Jeff McElroy
Studio Chris Cashman
Rating not rated
Runtime 15 mins
Language English | Stereo
Stream HD | 1280x720